SYLLABUS FIRST YEAR-Life style consultant
Module I: Basics theory of ayurveda– Definition of ayurveda, definition of ayu (life). Signs of ayu, benefitial / unbenefitial ayu. Origin and history of ayurveda, eight branches of ayurveda, goal of ayurveda, concept of daily regimen, seasonal regimen natural urges etc
Module II:Philosophy of Ayurveda –
Sapta padartha – basic seven elements, dravya, guna, karma, Samanya, vishesha, samavaya, abhava with brief details. Shad darshana Darshana – astika darshana, nastik drashan, Pramana—Home remedies- sitophald- hi,hingwastaka choorna
Module III:Theurapeutic principles of ayurveda –
Lokapurusha samya (inter realation between human and universe), samanya vishesha (principle of similarity and dis similarity), panchamahabhuta (five basic elements), Three dosha, three mala, seven dhatu, prin- ciple of congenital and hereditary, prakruti (constitution) karya ka- rana (cause and effect)
Module IV:—Rachana and kriya sharira (anatomical and physiological aspects)
– Sharira defini- tion and details, travel of body from metaphysical to physical ( purusha concept), brief garbha sharira (embryology) and manifestation of organs. concept of srotas (systems/channels in body), Detailed study of special body parts / systems like twacha (skin layers), kala (border/layers), mamsa/ peshi (muscular), asthi (bones) sandhi (joints) kandara (tendons) and circulatory system
Module V:Ayurvedic Nutrition and Dietetics
– tripods of life – diet sleep and celibacy. Concept of complete diet – Ahara, four types of food, meth- od of consumption of food. Method of preparation of food some qualities of food el- ements. Concept of health and disorder (swastha and rogi) definition of health and disease, maintenance of balance of dosha etc.
Module VI:Basic Ayurvedic psychology & Introduction to pathology—
Interactive Trigu- nas- table of trigunas&Herbal mixtures-Swarasa,choorna-basic knowledge of herbal pre- pearations-
Module VII: Spiritual aspect of Ayurveda&Introduction to Disease
Module VIII:Principles and practice of Ayurvedic Massages(Abyanga) –theory
1) Abhyanga – definition types – Abhyanga, Samvahana, Mardana, indication contraindi- cation benefits methods frequencies of abhyanga. Rule for massure, receiver etc. dif- ferent types of oils used for massage. Abhyanga complications.
–Abyanga – theory—2 days-practicals
Module IX:—Abyanga—practicals— 2 days
abyanga practicals
Totally- 4days abyanga practicals-all sessions
EXAM—one day.
Teaching schedule for 2021 -22 batch
Time 2.30PM TO 4.30PM(Winter schedule)
06-02-2021 | Ayurveda-Introduction,Def inition of Ayu, signs of Ayu | Dr.Radika | 1 | |
07-02-2021 | Jnana,vignanaVedas,vedan gas&others | Dr.Radika | 1 | |
13-02-2021 | Origin and History of Ayurveda,Brihatrayee | Dr.Sureshswarnapuri | 1 | |
14-02-2021 | Eight branches,,Goals of Ayureda. | Dr.Sureshswarnapuri | 1 | |
20-02-2021 | Daily routine,seasonalrou tines,Natura Urges | Dr.Suryanarayana | 1 | |
21-02-2021 | Concept of Dosha,dhatu,malas | Dr.Suryanarayana | 1 | |
27-02-2021 | Philosophy of Ayurveda Darshanas, | Dr.Akash kembavi confirmed | 2 | |
28-02-2021 | Saptapadarthas | Dr.Akash kembavi confirmed | 2 | |
06-03-2021 | Dravya | Dr.Satish-confirm | 2 | |
07-03-2021 | Guna,karma,Samanya | Dr.Satish-confirm | 2 | |
13-03-2021 | Abhava,pramana,Aptopade sa | Dr.Suryanarayana | 2 | |
14-03-2021 | LokapurushaSamya | Dr.Suryanarayana | 2 | |
20-03-2021 | Panchamahabootas-concept | Dr.Radika -con firmed | 2 | |
21-03-2021 | Panchamahabootas-Gunas | Dr.Radika-con firmed | 2 | |
27-03-2021 | Therpautics principles-con cept of Tridoshas,concept of Vata | Dr.Satish—con firmed | 3 | |
28-03-2021 | Concept of pitta,,kapha | Dr.Satish-confirmed | 3 | |
03-04-2021 | Concept of Dhatus | Dr.Akash | 3 | |
04-04-2021 | Concept of Malas | dr.Akash | 3 | |
10-04-2021 | Concept of Agni. | Dr.Suryanarayana | 3 | |
11-04-2021 | Concept of Sub doshas | Dr.Suryanarayan | 3 | |
17-04-2021 | Concept of Prakriti. | Dr.Satish | 4 | |
18-04-2021 | Modern Version —prakriti& Prakriti chart Analysis-prac ticals-part-1 | Dr.Satish | 4 | |
24-04-2021 | Anatomy&Physiology-sha reera&purusha,Garbhasa reera. | Dr.Damodar | 4 | |
25-04-2021 | Twacha,pesi,mamsa,kan daras | Dr.Damodar | 4 | |
01-05-2021 | Asthi,sandhi,Snayu. | Dr.Suryanarayana | 4 | |
02-05-2021 | Digestive system. | Dr.Suryanarayana | 4 | |
08-05-2021 | Respiratory system | Dr.Damodar | 4 | |
09-05-2021 | Nervous system | Dr.Damodar | 4 | |
15-05-2021 | Lymphatic, | Dr.Satish | 4 | |
16-05-2021 | Concept of Srotas | Dr.Satish | 4 | |
22-05-2021 23-05-2021 | circulatory system. Endocrine system | Dr.Damodar | 44 | |
05-06-2021 | Assignmments-part-1 | 4 | ||
06-06-2021 | Assignments-part-2 | 4 | ||
12-06-2021 | DIETETICS-PART-1-TriupasthambasGhee preparation | 5 | ||
13-06-2021 | Concept of Complete Diet Hingwashtaka choorna. | 5 | ||
19-06-2021 | Method of Consumption of Food—moong dal soup | 5 | ||
20-06-2021 | Method of Food prepera tion-spinach chapati | 5 | ||
26-06-2021 | Qualities of Food—.butter milk | 5 | ||
27-06-2021 | Proper Quantity of Food Banana rasayana | 5 | ||
03-07-2021 | Sat | Classification of Food- bro ken wheat upma | Dr joshi | 5 |
04-07-2021 | Snn | Samyoga—Triphala choorna | Dr joshi | 5 |
10-07-2021 | Anupana – beet root pulao | Dr radhika | 5 | |
11-07-2021 | VATA DIET-Some prepera tions—ginger oil. | Dr radhika | 5 | |
17-07-2021 | PITTA DIET-some prepera tions—pitta kheer | Dr suryanarayana | 5 | |
18-07-2021 | KAPHA DIET-some prepera tions—mint rice | Dr suryanarayana | 5 | |
24-07-2021 | Dietary-part-2-Quantity of Food&Diestion,Quantity of Food in relation to quality— black tea with milk | Dr suresh | 6 | |
25-07-2021 | Wholesome &Unwholesone food—Tea ginger,cinnamon & honey | Dr suresh | 6 | |
04-09-2021 | Properties of Food— tea for digestion | Dr suryanarayana | 6 | |
05-09-2021 | Choosing the Right Diet.-in dian ayurveda diet-Carrot broccoli soup | Dr suryanarayana | 6 | |
11-09-2021 | Importance of knowledge of Dietetics-Tea for thurst | Dr.Radika | 6 | |
12-09-2021 | Regimen in Autumn&win ter-Buckwheat soup | Dr.Radika | 6 | |
18-09-2021 | Regimen in Spring &Sum mer-.Ginger corn soup | dr.yasmin | 6 | |
19-09-2021 | Psycology of Ayurveda Aspects of Manas,Budhi,Ahankara,Chit ta | dr.yasmin | 7 | |
25-09-2021 | Three GunasSatva,Rajas,Tamas. | dr.Yasmin | 7 | |
26-09-2021 | Pramana-satvaAvara,pravara,Madyama. | dr.Yasmin | 7 | |
02-10-2021 | 16 Psycoloogy-Constitu tions- | .Dr.Satish | ||
03-10-2021 | Aspects of Mental health | Dr.Satish | 7 | |
09-10-2021 | Ayurvedic SpiritualitySpiritual uplifting from sha reera, Indriya, Satwa and atma | Dr.Joshi | 7 | |
10-10-2021 | How Daivavyapashraya is different from Yukthivya pashraya&Satwaavajaya | DrJoshi | 7 | |
16-10-2021 | Diseases or conditions de manding spiritual healing in Ayurveda | Dr.Rahika | 7 | |
17-10-2021 | Yoga and Spirituality | Dr.RADHIKA | 8 | |
23-10-2021 | CHETANA&HRIDAYA | Dr.Akash | 8 | |
24-10-2021 | Shatchakras | Dr.Akash | 8 | |
06-11-2021 | Sadvritta&Achara Rasayana | DrYasmin | 8 | |
07-11-2021 | Spirtiuality in Ayurveda. | Dr.Yasmin | 8 | |
13-11-2021 | Concept of Health and Dis order | Dr.Radika. | 8 | |
14-11-2021 | Defention of Health &Dis eases. | Dr.Radika. | 8 | |
20-11-2021 | Maintainance of balance of Doshas | Dr.Sureshswarna puri | 8 | |
21-11-2021 | ABYANGA with Importance – Demonstrtion online. | Dr.SureshSwarna puri | ||
27-11-2021 | EXAMINATION-100marks FINAL EXAM | Dr.Deepa | ||
TAKE AWAY-Fundamentals of Ayurveda,Philosophy,therapuatic principles,Ayurveda ,Anatomy and phisiology,Ayurvedic psychology,Constittion,Nutrition, Ayurveeic Spiritualityand Abyanga. |