FBAA(Fellowship of British Ayurveda Academy) Year - 2025
Dates of FBAA : 06-05-2025 to 21-05-2025 at Maha Lakshmi vidya Bhavan Honor Oak Park London SE23 3LE.
- Classification of Dravya according to Prayoga ( Usage of Dravya,Rasa,Guna,Virya,Vipaka)
- Technical guidance for Ayurvedic Herbs in UK and Europe.
- MHRA---( The medicine and healthcare products regulatory agency)
- Ban on
- All Aconite species
- Areca catechu
- Atropa belladona
- Cinchona
- Datura
- Digitalis purpurea
- Embelia robes
- Ephedra
- Kutaja...Holarrhena antidysentrica
- Hyoscyaneus Niger
- Kampillaka...Mallotus phillippiness
- Poppy ...Papaver somniferum
- Pomagranate bark
- Strychnos nuxvomica
- CITES-------( Convention on international Trade in Endangered Species )
- Red list
- Biological Diversity in European countries
- Urtica dioica
- Taraxcum officinale
- Pistacia lentiscus
- Liquorice
- European herbal trade....
- Great demand to Spices during Pandemic Spices .....
- In addition to Difference in indian drugs and european drugs... Ex. Difference between indian gooseberries and european goose berries. ( influences by soil, climate and phytochemical constituents )
- Techinical Guidance to all these following diseases in accordance to Geographical Conditions in UK and Methods of Approach to them Alzihermers and dementia and Multiple sclerosis.
- Anidra and dementia
- Bhrama mada and murcha
- Cerebral palsy
- Depression anxiety
- Vertigo and Syncope
- Unmada and Sanyasa
- Amavata
- Sandhigatavata
- Vatarakta
- kusta Svitra and Krimi
- Svasa Kasa
- Lifestyle disorders ( Non communicable disorders )
- Autoimmune diseses
- Crohns disease
- Down Syndrome
PANCHAKARMA in UK and Europe-Additional training according to Climatic Conditions
- Purva karma
- Pradhana karma
- Paschath karma
- Vamana ..Emesis
- Virechana...Therapeutic purgation
- Nasya ... Nasal medication
- Anuvasana Basti...Medicated oil enema
- Niruha Basti...Herbal decoction enema
- - Raktha mokshana
- - Siravyadha
- *Dos and donts of Panchakarma Therapies in European countries.
- *Samsarjana krama ....according to European food styles.
- Rasayana Chikitsa for Lifestyle disorders
AGNIKARMA : ( Ayurvedic Heat \ Burn Therapy )
- Introduction: Derivation, Definition, Synonyms, History of Agnikarma and Similar Therapies in other pathies.
- Classification: According to tools, Instruments, Types and Dosha-Dushya and effect in Srotas- Disease etc
- Indication and Contra indication
- Common Procedure-
- Purva Karma - Preparation
- Pradhana Karma - Main Procedure
- Paschat Karma - Post Therapy Care
Agnikarma with Metals
- Iron and Panch Dhatu
- Gold
- Silver
- Viddhagnikarma
- With needles
- With Electric Cautery
- Agnikarma According to Diseases-
- Charmakeel – Warts
- Joint Disorders
- Shoulder Pain
- Lumbar Spondylitis
- Cervical Spondylitis
- Sciatica
- Tennis Elbow
- Plantar fasciitis
- Vriddhi ( Inguinal Hernia)
- Agnikarma - Effect
- Samyag Dagdha
- Pramad Dagdha
- Primary Treatment of Pramadh Dagdha and Precautions
- Mode of Action
- Modern Techniques of Cauterization
- Practical Demonstartion – Presentation
- Videos and Live Demonstration
- Discussion – Question and Answers
- 13 days classes , daily 6 hours Total 78 hours for teaching.
- Dravyaguna, Kayachikitsa, Panchakarma ( Rakhta mokshana ), Agni karma
- Total 78 hours can be divide
- Dravyaguna department get 20 hours to teach. (4 hours introduction + 8 hours for ten plants + 7hours for practicum )
- Kayachikitsa ......30 hours
- Panchakarma .....20 hours
- Agnikarma.........8 hours
Please Email to contact@aaauk.org
Dr. Venkat Narayan Joshi +447986603951
Dr. SureshSwarnapuri +353871158935 (Whatsapp)