SYLLABUS FIRST YEAR-Life style consultant
Module I: Basics theory of ayurveda
– Definition of ayurveda, definition of ayu (life). Signs of ayu, benefitial / unbenefitial ayu. Origin and history of ayurveda, eight branches of ayurveda, goal of ayurveda, concept of daily regimen, seasonal regimen natural urges etc
Module II:Philosophy of Ayurveda –
Sapta padartha – basic seven elements, dravya, guna, karma, Samanya, vishesha, samavaya, abhava with brief details. Shad darshana Darshana – astika darshana, nastik drashan, Pramana—Home remedies- sitophald- hi,hingwastaka choorna
Module III:Theurapeutic principles of ayurveda –
Lokapurusha samya (inter realation between human and universe), samanya vishesha (principle of similarity and dis similarity), panchamahabhuta (five basic elements), Three dosha, three mala, seven dhatu, prin- ciple of congenital and hereditary, prakruti (constitution) karya ka- rana (cause and effect)
Module IV:—Rachana and kriya sharira (anatomical and physiological aspects)
– Sharira defini- tion and details, travel of body from metaphysical to physical ( purusha concept), brief garbha sharira (embryology) and manifestation of organs. concept of srotas (systems/channels in body), Detailed study of special body parts / systems like twacha (skin layers), kala (border/layers), mamsa/ peshi (muscular), asthi (bones) sandhi (joints) kandara (tendons) and circulatory system
Module V:Ayurvedic Nutrition and Dietetics
– tripods of life – diet sleep and celibacy. Concept of complete diet – Ahara, four types of food, meth- od of consumption of food. Method of preparation of food some qualities of food el- ements. Concept of health and disorder (swastha and rogi) definition of health and disease, maintenance of balance of dosha etc.
Module VI:Basic Ayurvedic psychology & Introduction to pathology—
Interactive Trigu- nas- table of trigunas&Herbal mixtures-Swarasa,choorna-basic knowledge of herbal pre- pearations-
Module VII: Spiritual aspect of Ayurveda&Introduction to Disease
Module VIII:Principles and practice of Ayurvedic Massages(Abyanga) –theory
1) Abhyanga – definition types – Abhyanga, Samvahana, Mardana, indication contraindi- cation benefits methods frequencies of abhyanga. Rule for massure, receiver etc. dif- ferent types of oils used for massage. Abhyanga complications.
–Abyanga – theory—2 days-practicals
Module IX:—Abyanga—practicals— 2 days
abyanga practicals
Totally- 4days abyanga practicals-all sessions
EXAM—one day.
Teaching schedule for 2021 -22 batch
Time 2.30PM TO 4.30PM(Winter schedule)
06-02-2021 | Ayurveda-Introduction,Def inition of Ayu, signs of Ayu | Dr.Radika | 1 | |
07-02-2021 | Jnana,vignanaVedas,vedan gas&others | Dr.Radika | 1 | |
13-02-2021 | Origin and History of Ayurveda,Brihatrayee | Dr.Sureshswarnapuri | 1 | |
14-02-2021 | Eight branches,,Goals of Ayureda. | Dr.Sureshswarnapuri | 1 | |
20-02-2021 | Daily routine,seasonalrou tines,Natura Urges | Dr.Suryanarayana | 1 | |
21-02-2021 | Concept of Dosha,dhatu,malas | Dr.Suryanarayana | 1 | |
27-02-2021 | Philosophy of Ayurveda Darshanas, | Dr.Akash kembavi confirmed | 2 | |
28-02-2021 | Saptapadarthas | Dr.Akash kembavi confirmed | 2 | |
06-03-2021 | Dravya | Dr.Satish-confirm | 2 | |
07-03-2021 | Guna,karma,Samanya | Dr.Satish-confirm | 2 | |
13-03-2021 | Abhava,pramana,Aptopade sa | Dr.Suryanarayana | 2 | |
14-03-2021 | LokapurushaSamya | Dr.Suryanarayana | 2 | |
20-03-2021 | Panchamahabootas-concept | Dr.Radika -con firmed | 2 | |
21-03-2021 | Panchamahabootas-Gunas | Dr.Radika-con firmed | 2 | |
27-03-2021 | Therpautics principles-con cept of Tridoshas,concept of Vata | Dr.Satish—con firmed | 3 | |
28-03-2021 | Concept of pitta,,kapha | Dr.Satish-confirmed | 3 | |
03-04-2021 | Concept of Dhatus | Dr.Akash | 3 | |
04-04-2021 | Concept of Malas | dr.Akash | 3 | |
10-04-2021 | Concept of Agni. | Dr.Suryanarayana | 3 | |
11-04-2021 | Concept of Sub doshas | Dr.Suryanarayan | 3 | |
17-04-2021 | Concept of Prakriti. | Dr.Satish | 4 | |
18-04-2021 | Modern Version —prakriti& Prakriti chart Analysis-prac ticals-part-1 | Dr.Satish | 4 | |
24-04-2021 | Anatomy&Physiology-sha reera&purusha,Garbhasa reera. | Dr.Damodar | 4 | |
25-04-2021 | Twacha,pesi,mamsa,kan daras | Dr.Damodar | 4 | |
01-05-2021 | Asthi,sandhi,Snayu. | Dr.Suryanarayana | 4 | |
02-05-2021 | Digestive system. | Dr.Suryanarayana | 4 | |
08-05-2021 | Respiratory system | Dr.Damodar | 4 | |
09-05-2021 | Nervous system | Dr.Damodar | 4 | |
15-05-2021 | Lymphatic, | Dr.Satish | 4 | |
16-05-2021 | Concept of Srotas | Dr.Satish | 4 | |
22-05-2021 23-05-2021 | circulatory system. Endocrine system | Dr.Damodar | 44 | |
05-06-2021 | Assignmments-part-1 | 4 | ||
06-06-2021 | Assignments-part-2 | 4 | ||
12-06-2021 | DIETETICS-PART-1-TriupasthambasGhee preparation | 5 | ||
13-06-2021 | Concept of Complete Diet Hingwashtaka choorna. | 5 | ||
19-06-2021 | Method of Consumption of Food—moong dal soup | 5 | ||
20-06-2021 | Method of Food prepera tion-spinach chapati | 5 | ||
26-06-2021 | Qualities of Food—.butter milk | 5 | ||
27-06-2021 | Proper Quantity of Food Banana rasayana | 5 | ||
03-07-2021 | Sat | Classification of Food- bro ken wheat upma | Dr joshi | 5 |
04-07-2021 | Snn | Samyoga—Triphala choorna | Dr joshi | 5 |
10-07-2021 | Anupana – beet root pulao | Dr radhika | 5 | |
11-07-2021 | VATA DIET-Some prepera tions—ginger oil. | Dr radhika | 5 | |
17-07-2021 | PITTA DIET-some prepera tions—pitta kheer | Dr suryanarayana | 5 | |
18-07-2021 | KAPHA DIET-some prepera tions—mint rice | Dr suryanarayana | 5 | |
24-07-2021 | Dietary-part-2-Quantity of Food&Diestion,Quantity of Food in relation to quality— black tea with milk | Dr suresh | 6 | |
25-07-2021 | Wholesome &Unwholesone food—Tea ginger,cinnamon & honey | Dr suresh | 6 | |
04-09-2021 | Properties of Food— tea for digestion | Dr suryanarayana | 6 | |
05-09-2021 | Choosing the Right Diet.-in dian ayurveda diet-Carrot broccoli soup | Dr suryanarayana | 6 | |
11-09-2021 | Importance of knowledge of Dietetics-Tea for thurst | Dr.Radika | 6 | |
12-09-2021 | Regimen in Autumn&win ter-Buckwheat soup | Dr.Radika | 6 | |
18-09-2021 | Regimen in Spring &Sum mer-.Ginger corn soup | dr.yasmin | 6 | |
19-09-2021 | Psycology of Ayurveda Aspects of Manas,Budhi,Ahankara,Chit ta | dr.yasmin | 7 | |
25-09-2021 | Three GunasSatva,Rajas,Tamas. | dr.Yasmin | 7 | |
26-09-2021 | Pramana-satvaAvara,pravara,Madyama. | dr.Yasmin | 7 | |
02-10-2021 | 16 Psycoloogy-Constitu tions- | .Dr.Satish | ||
03-10-2021 | Aspects of Mental health | Dr.Satish | 7 | |
09-10-2021 | Ayurvedic SpiritualitySpiritual uplifting from sha reera, Indriya, Satwa and atma | Dr.Joshi | 7 | |
10-10-2021 | How Daivavyapashraya is different from Yukthivya pashraya&Satwaavajaya | DrJoshi | 7 | |
16-10-2021 | Diseases or conditions de manding spiritual healing in Ayurveda | Dr.Rahika | 7 | |
17-10-2021 | Yoga and Spirituality | Dr.RADHIKA | 8 | |
23-10-2021 | CHETANA&HRIDAYA | Dr.Akash | 8 | |
24-10-2021 | Shatchakras | Dr.Akash | 8 | |
06-11-2021 | Sadvritta&Achara Rasayana | DrYasmin | 8 | |
07-11-2021 | Spirtiuality in Ayurveda. | Dr.Yasmin | 8 | |
13-11-2021 | Concept of Health and Dis order | Dr.Radika. | 8 | |
14-11-2021 | Defention of Health &Dis eases. | Dr.Radika. | 8 | |
20-11-2021 | Maintainance of balance of Doshas | Dr.Sureshswarna puri | 8 | |
21-11-2021 | ABYANGA with Importance – Demonstrtion online. | Dr.SureshSwarna puri | ||
27-11-2021 | EXAMINATION-100marks FINAL EXAM | Dr.Deepa | ||
TAKE AWAY-Fundamentals of Ayurveda,Philosophy,therapuatic principles,Ayurveda ,Anatomy and phisiology,Ayurvedic psychology,Constittion,Nutrition, Ayurveeic Spiritualityand Abyanga. |
Dravya guna
- Dravyaguna – Introduction to seven Padartha of Dravyaguna Vijnana viz Dravya- Rasa-Guna- Virya- Vipaka- Prabhava and Karma.
- Dravya: Definition, panchbhoutikatwa. Classification .
- Guna: Definition and Classification of Guna.Detailed knowledge of Gurvadi Guna & Paradi gunas.
- Rasa: Definition, Meaning of “Rasa” in various contexts. Shad Rasas (Madhura, Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta, and Kashaya), Panchabhautik constitution of Rasas, Nirvrittiviseshakrama (manifestation in general and particular), Ritu and shad rasa Rasanurasayoh bheda (Difference between rasa and anurasa), Lakshana (characteristics),Guna and Karma of shad Rasas, Kopana and Shamana of Dosha and dushya by Shad rasas. Effects of excess usage of Rasa.
- Vipaka: Definition, , Types of Vipaka, Trividha, Guna and karma of Vipaka
- Veerya:Definition and Swarupa of Virya, Number of Virya. (Dwividha ), Virya karmani (Effects of Virya), General principles in determination.
- Karma: Definition, nature and types of action.
- Detailed Knowledge of important drugs for clinical practice : English name , Botanical Name, Family, Classification of Dravya (Gana) as described in Charak and Sushrut, Useful parts, Important phytoconstituents, Rasa panchaka, Action on Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Prayogarha vyadhi (therapeutic indications), Amayikaprayoga and Matra (Therapeutic administration and Dose), Vishishta yoga (names of important formulations), adverse effects).
Dosha Dushyadi Vigyan –basic understanding of pathology according to Ayurveda
- Definition and importance of Roganidana.
- Samanya Nidana and Samanya Lakshana of Dosha Vriddhi, Kshaya and Prakopa.
- Dhatu Kshaya Vriddhi Lakshana.
- Mala Kshaya Vriddhi Lakshana.
- concept of Agni Dushti and Ama.
- Doshagati and Rogmarga.
- Detailed study of Srotas
Vyadhi Vigyan Knowledge of diseases
- Definition, synonyms and classification of Vyadhi(disease).
- Basic knowledge of Hereditary, Congenital, Acquired, Multifactorial, Traumatic and Environmental disorders.
- Introduction to ICD Classification of Diseases of WHO and DSM classification.
- Samanyaja and Nanatmaja Vikara. NidanarthakaraVyadhi, Hetu Sankara, Lingasankara, Vyadhisankara, Vyadhi Awastha.
- Definition and classification of Vyadhikshamatva- Immunity
Nidana Panchaka Vigyana
- Difference between Roga and Rogi Pariksha.
- Importance of Nidan Panchaka.
- Definition, Synonyms and Classification HETU ,PURVA RUPA ,RUPA UPASHAYA
Pariksha Vigyana (examinatin)
- Vata diseases
- Pitta diseases
- Kapha diseases
- Common life style disorders and their understanding according to Ayurveda
- Diseases of Manovaha Srotas(PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS)
- Allergic disorders
- Auto immune disorders
- Common infectious disorders
Second year Teaching schedule for 2020-2021 batch
17-10-2020 | Ayurvedic herbs –1. Intro duction to seven Padartha of Dravyaguna Vijnana viz Dravya Rasa-Guna- Virya- Vipaka- Prab hava and Karma. | Dr.Akash | 5 |
18-10-2020 | Dravya: Definition, panchb houtikatwa. Classification | Dr.Akash | 5 |
24-10-2020 | Detailed knowledge of Gur vadi Guna & Paradi gunas. | Dr.Suryanarayana | 5 |
25-10-2020 | Rasa: Definition, Meaning of “Rasa” in various contexts. Shad Rasas (Madhura, Amla, La vana, Katu, Tikta, and Kashaya), Panchabhautik constitution of Rasas, Nirvrit tiviseshakrama (manifestation in general and particular), Ritu and shad rasa Rasa nurasayoh bheda (Difference between rasa and anurasa), Lakshana (characteristics),Guna and Karma of shad Rasas, Kopana and Shamana of Dosha and dushya by Shad rasas. Effects of excess us age of Rasa. | Dr.Surya narayana | 5 |
31-10-2020 | Vipaka: Definition, , Types of Vipaka, Trividha, Guna and karma of Vipaka. | Dr.Radika | 5 |
01-11-2020 | Veerya: Definition and Swarupa of Virya, Number of Virya. (Dwividha ), Virya karmani (Effects of Virya), General principles in determination. | Dr.Radika | 5 |
07-11-2020 | Karma: Definition, nature and types of action. | Dr.Vijaya | 5 |
08-11-2020 | Detailed Knowledge of im portant drugs for clinical practice : English name , Botanical Name, Family, Classification of Dravya (Gana) as de scribed in Charak and Sushrut, Useful parts, Impor tant phytoconstituents, Rasa panchaka, Action on Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Prayogarha vyadhi (therapeutic indica tions), Amayikaprayoga and Matra (Therapeutic adminis tration and Dose), | Dr.Vijaya | 5 |
14-11-2020 | ROGANIDANA (PATHOLOGY)-im portance of Roganidhana | Dr.Suresh | 6 |
15-11-2020 | Samanya Nidana and Samanya Lakshana of Dosha Vriddhi, Kshaya and Prakopa. | Dr.Suresh/Dr.- surya | 6 |
21-11-2020 | Dhatu Kshaya Vriddhi Lak shana. | Dr.Surya narayana | 6 |
22-11-2020 | Mala Kshaya Vriddhi Lak shana. | Dr.Surya narayana | 6 |
05-12-2020 | concept of Agni Dushti and Ama. | Dr.Radhika | 6 |
06-12-2020 | Doshagati and Rogmarga. | Dr.Radhika | 6 |
12-12-2020 | Detailed study of Srotas | Dr.Joshi | 6 |
13-12-2020 | Definition, synonyms and classification of Vyadhi(dis ease). | Dr.Joshi | 6 |
19-12-2020 | Basic knowledge of Heredi tary, Congenital, Acquired, Multifactorial, Traumatic and Environmen- tal disorders | Dr.Surya narayana | 6 |
20-12-2020 | Introduction to ICD Classifica tion of Diseases of WHO and DSM classification. | Dr.Surya narayana | 6 |
26-12-2020 | Samanyaja and Nanatmaja Vikara. NidanarthakaraVyad hi, Hetu Sankara, Lin gasankara, Vyad- hisankara, Vyadhi Awastha | Dr.Aaksh | 6 |
27-12-2020 | Definition and classification of Vyadhikshamatva- Immunity. | Dr.Aakash | 6 |
02-01-2021 | Nidana Panchaka Vigyana 1. Difference between Roga and Rogi Pariksha. | Dr.surya narayana | 6 |
03-01-2021 | Importance of Nidan Pancha ka. | Dr. surya narayana | 6 |
09-01-2021 | Definition, Synonyms and Classification HETU | Dr.Aaksah | 6 |
10-01-2021 | PURVA RUPA ,RUPA | Dr.Aakash | 6 |
16-01-2021 | UPASHAYA SAMPRAPTI AND PROGNOSIS. | Dr.Suresh | 6 |
17-01-2021 | NADI PAREEKSHA-Basics | Dr.Suresh | 6 |
23-01-2021 | PRAKRUTHI ASSESSMENT | Dr.Joshi | 6 |
24-01-2021 | DOSHIK EXAMINATION | Dr.Joshi | 6 |
06-02-2021 | The Five Diagnostic Cri teria-part-1 | Dr.Surya narayana | 6 |
07-02-2021 | The Five Diagnostic Crite ria-part-2 | Dr.Surya narayana | 6 |
13-02-2021 14-02-2021 | Dasha vidha pareekasha -part—1 Dasha vidha pa reekasha-Pareeksha part-2 | Dr.Radhika | 6 |
20-02-2021 | Vata diseases | Dr.Aakash | 6 |
21-02-2021 | Pitta diseases | Dr.Aakash | 6 |
27-02-2021 | Nadi-introduction | Dr.Suresh | 6 |
28-02-2021 | Common life style disorders 1.Madhumeha (diabetes) | Dr.suresh | 6 |
06-03-2021 | .Kapha Sthoulya—Obesity | Dr.Suryanarayna | 6 |
07-03-2021 | 3.Raktachapa-Hypertension | Dr.surya narayana | 6 |
13-03-2021 | Diseases of Manovaha Sro tas(PSYCHOLOGICAL DIS ORDERS like Insomnia(Nidra nasa) or de mentia (Smrithi nasa) | Dr.Akash | 6 |
14-03-2021 | Depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety neu rosis and Alzheimer’s) | Dr.Alkash | 6 |
20-03-2021 | Allergic disorders( food aller gy ,allergic skin , | Dr.Akash | 6 |
21-03-2021 | Ambrosia,rhinitis and asthma | Dr.Akash | 6 |
27-03-2021 | Auto immune disorders like Amla pitta ,Parinama Soola | Dr.Surya narayana | 6 |
28-03-2021 | Grahani (chron,s dis ease, Irritable bowel syndrome ,ulcerative colitis) | Dr.Surya narayana | 6 |
03-04-2021 | NADI-LEVELS -STARTS—LEV EL-ONE | Dr.Suresh+mar ma group | 6 |
04-04-2021 | , .NADI VIGYAN(Pulse reading)— Fundamentasl,Doshas related to Nadi | Dr.Suresh+mar ma group | 7 |
10-04-2021 | Subdoshas&Dhatus-Relatedto Nadi | Dr.Suresh | 7 |
11-04-2021 | Level-two+practicals-Body quesiot ner | Dr.Suresh | 7 |
17-04-2021 | LEVEL—three-Immediate and su perficial pulse | Dr.Suresh+mar ma group | 7 |
18-04-2021 | LEVELFour+practials—Deep pulse | Dr.Suresh+mar ma group | 7 |
24-04-2021 | LEVEL- Five+practicals-SUB DOSHA LEVEL | Dr.Suresh | 7 |
25-04-2021 | LEVEL—Five +practicals DHATU LEVEL PULSE | Dr.Suresh | 7 |
01-05-2021 | Amavata&sandivata-diseases | Akash kembavi | 7 |
02-05-2021 | Mutraghata roga nidana-diseases | Akash kembavi | 7 |
08-05-2021 | Jwara nidana-diseases | Dr.surya narayana | 8 |
09-05-2021 | Kushta,svitra,Krimi nidana-diseases | Dr.surya narayana | 8 |
15-05-2021 | Back aches and displacements | Dr.Akash | 8 |
16-05-2021 | Pathology of blood and Lymphatic disorders | Dr..Akash | 8 |
22-05-2021 | To improve agni and Hunger&nutrition&Influence of Food over mind and emotions | Dr. Radika | 8 |
23-05-2021 | Food during menstruation&Diet for young and old | Dr.Radika | 8 |
05-06-2021 | Obesity & food according to ayurveda | Dr.Satish | 8 |
06-06-2021 | Ayurveda herbs—part —2 single herbs explanation-Am laki 2.guduchi 3.satavary | Dr.Satish | 9 |
12-06-2021 | brahmi ,aswagandha ,haritaki | Dr.Satish | 9 |
13-06-2021 | pippali ,.tila,.nimba, | Dr.Satish | 9 |
19-06-2021 | Draksha, nirgundi bijaka | Dr.Satish | 9 |
20-06-2021 | Sunti, Marichi,Haridra, vidanga | Dr.Satish | 9 |
26-06-2021 | Arjuna usira –Elaichi jati twakh | Dr.Satish | 9 |
27-06-2021 | THE AYURVEDIC PHARMA CEUTICS (Panchavidha kashaya kalpana and Other kalpana)- Swarasa(EXPRESSED JUICE)- Ardraka swarasa, Tulasi swarasa, Kumari Swarasa,guduchi swarasa | Dr.Satish | 10 |
03-07-2021 | 1. Kalka(FINE PASTE)- Nimba kalka, Rasona kalka. | Dr.Satish | 10 |
04-07-2021 | . 1. . Kwatha (HERBAL DECOCTION)- Triphala Kwath,dasamoola kwath and trikatu kwath. | Dr.satish | 10 |
10-07-2021 | Hima(COLD WATER INFU SION)- Yastimadhu,Dhanyaka hima,. | Dr.satish | 10 |
11-07-2021 | 5. Phanta(HOT WATER IN FUSI0N)- Panchakola phanta,Yastimadhu Phan ta.Preperation Of Churna Tripaha choorna , Trikatu choorna,Sitopaladi Churna, Hinguwashta- ka Churna and talisadi choorna Videos can be shown as it was one already. | Dr.satish | 10 |
17-07-2021 | THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURES Part -1 Netra tarpana & karma purana | Videos and practice | 11 |
18-07-2021 | Katibasthi & greebasthi | Videos-practice | 11 |
24-07-2021 | Uraha basthi & Janu Demon stration and practice | Videos-Practice | 11 |
25-07-2021 . | Shirodhara Theory and Demonstration | Videos-PRAC TICE | 11 |
05-09-2 021 | Final Exam |
4. Promotion of mental health
Ayurvedic Management of psychological disorders like Insomnia or dementia Depression, bipolar disorder,anxiety neaurosis and alzheimers .Multiple sclerosis,Epilepsy.
5. Management of Autoimmune disordres like chron,s disease,Irritable bowel syn- drome ,ulcerative colitis(Grahani And Parinama Soola) .
6. Management of Rheumatological disorders like Rheumotoid Arthritis(Ama vata), Osteo Arthritis(Sandhigata vata) and Gouty arthritis(Vata raktha) .
7. Management of lifestyle disorders like Diabetes(Prameha), Hyper tension and obesity(sthoulya).
8. Management of Acid peptic disorders like hyper acidity ,gastric ulcer and peptic ulcer.
9. Ayurvedic approach of Arbudha (Cancer) and its role in prevention and treat- ment of different cancers.
MODULE 12 : RASAYANA & VAJIKARANA and concept of male infer- tility, . their clinical application in day to day practice.
days, 2 sessions
3 days, 1 session
1st day- Introduction and terminology ,Concepts of sukra , Artava, Menstrual disorders- Menarche and Menopause amenorrhoea(anarthava), hy- pomenorrhoea, oligomenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea(udavarta), (Raktha pradara) abnormal uterine bleeding and their management according to Ayurveda. Yoni vyapad : Fibroid uterus, PCOS, Pelvic infections, cervical erosion, pelvic inflammatory diseases
2nd day-Female infertility – Vandhyatwa (Infertility) – causes, types, investigations and management through Ayurveda and management of tubal blocks Common Drugs Used In Gynecological Disorders.
Herbs in menopausal syndrome and life style corrections
3rd day: Ayurvedic drug doses according to age,weight in children.
Vyadhikshamatva: General concepts of Bala (Immunity) and methods of Immune enhancing in children.
Behavioral Disorders of Children, their management and counseling: Breath holding spell, Shayyamutra (Bed wetting), Pica, Unmada, Autism, ADHD (Atten- tion Deficit and Hyperactive Disorders), Jadatwa (Mental retardation).
Other Common paediatric neurological problems and their man- agement throug Ayurveda.
Ayurvedic approach of growth and devolopment issues and ge- netic disorders in children like cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome etc.
Third year Teaching schedule for 2021-2022 batch
DATE | TOPIC S Treatment Protocols | PROFESSOR | MODULE | |
25-09-2021 | Promotion of mental health Management of Psychological disorders like Insomnia,dementia-Chikitsa | ONE | ||
26-09-2021 | Depression,Anxiety neurosis-Chikitsa | |||
02-10-2021 | Alzheimers.Multiple sclerosis,-Chikitsa | |||
03-10-2021 | Epilepsy and its Chikitsa | |||
09-10-2021 | Bhrama-Giddiness, and MADA-Intoxication and Murcha-Sycope | |||
10-10-2021 | ,Sanyanasa(Unconsciousness)and Unmada(Insanity)-Management | |||
16-10-2021 | Management of Agnimandhya,Amlapitta. | |||
17-10-2021 | Management of.Annadrave soola. Parinama soola-Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers | |||
23-10-2021 | Managemnt of Athisara&Pravahika | |||
24-10-2021 | Mangaement of Autoimmune disorders.Grahini-IBS-Irritable bowel Syndrome.-Crohns disease and Ulcerative Colitis. | |||
06-11-2021 | Management of Amavata(Rheumatoid arthritis) | |||
07-11-2021 | Management of Sandhivata(Osteoarthrosis) | |||
13-11-2021 | Management of Vata Raktha(Gout arthritis) | |||
14-11-2021 | Management of lifestyle disorders-Diabetes(Prameha) | Two | ||
20-11-2021 | Management of Hypertension and Ischeamic Heart DIsease. | |||
21-11-2021 | Managment of Obesity(Sthoulya) and Anorexia. | |||
27-11-2021 | Ayurvedic approach of Arbudha (Cancer) and its role in prevention and treatment of different cancers. | |||
28-11-2021 | Jwara Chikitsa (Fever) in Different diseases. | |||
04-12-2021 | Kasa chikitsa(Cough)in different Respiratory system. | |||
05-12-2021 | Panduroga,Sopha Chikitsa(Anaemia and Swellings) | |||
11-12-2021 | Kushta,Svitra and Krimi Chikitsa(Skin treatments ) | |||
12-12-2021 | Vata Vyadhi Chikitsa. | |||
18-12-2021 | RaktaPitta chikitsa-Bleeding disorders and treatment. | |||
19-12-2021 | Mutrakrichacha-chitikitsa -Renal inflammationa and Cysitits. | |||
25-12-2021 | Mutraghata—Prostate and Renal stones. | |||
26-12-2021 | Galaganda,Gandamala-Thyroid diseases.-Chikitsa | |||
08-01-2022 | Granthi-Lymphadinitis in different diseases-Chikitsa | |||
09-01-2022 | RASAYANA CHIKITSA- Defenition and types | Three | ||
15-01-2022 | Vatatapika Rasayan and its apllication today | |||
16-01-2022 | Day to day consuming rasayana yoga based Ahara Rasayana | |||
22-01-2022 | Rasayana chikitsa for Life Style disorders | |||
23-01-2022 | Rasayana bheda and their appliction methods today | |||
29-01-2022 | Shukra vriddhi kara yoga | |||
30-01-2022 | Shukra sthambahana yoga | |||
05-02-2022 | Garbha sthapana Rasayana | |||
06-02-2022 | Rasayana bheda and their appliction methods today | |||
12-02–2022 | Day to day consumption of Vajeekarana yoga | |||
13-02-2022 | Significancee and improtance of Rasayan and Vajeekarana in Ashtanga Ayurveda. | |||
19-02-2022 | Gneacology Introduction and terminology-Sree janana-anga vikriti(formation of female genital tract) | |||
20-02-2021 | Beeja bhaga dushti-Congenital deformities of uterus. | |||
26-02-2022 | Artavanirukti-Rajapravriti(formation of Rajas)dhaturupa artavopati-ovarian hormones | |||
27-02-2022 | bheejarupa arthavopathi-ovarian cycle,cyclical changes in Vagina. | |||
28-02-2022 | Mechanism of Mensturation&Menstural blood | |||
05-03-2022 | Rajapravriti-mechanism of puberty and applied aspects | |||
06-03-2022 | Arthava kshaya-Hypomenorrhea-mechanism.Home remedies and Herbal preperations | |||
12-03-2022 | Rajonivritti-Menopause-mechanism,Symptoms-Treatment.&home remedies | |||
13-03-2022 | Arthava dushti,types | |||
19-03-2022 | Anartava-causes,swabhavika,sroviddhata,yonivyapat | |||
20-03-2022 | Yonirogas causing anartava,raktarbudha leading to Anartava.-Home remedies and treatments | |||
26-03-2022 | Amennorhea-classification.Examination,Investigations. | |||
27-03-2022 | Managment of Amenorrhea | |||
02-04-2022 | Sukra vignan-organs involved,functions of sukra,spermatogenesis | |||
03-04-2022 | sukradushti management-home remedies and herbs | |||
09-04-2022 | Kashtarva-dysmenorreha,classfication,symptoms | |||
10-04-2022 | Investigation and Management. | |||
16-04-2022 | Raktapradhara-cause,clinical features,menorrhagea,metrorrhegea-DUB | |||
17-04-2022 | Investigation and Management. | |||
23-04-2022 | Yoni vyapat- Fibroid uterus,PCOS-part-1 | |||
24-04-2022 | Yoni vyapat- Fibroid uterus,PCOS-part-2 | |||
07-05-2022 | Yoni vyapat- Fibroid uterus,PCOS-part-2-investigations and management | |||
08-05-2022 | Vandhya-Female infertility-causes, types and Management. | |||
14-05-2022 | Chronic Pelvic inflammatory diseases | |||
15-05-2022 | Investigations and Management. Common Drugs Used In Gynecological Disorders. | |||
21-05-2022 | Stana Roga types -Symptoms | |||
22-05-2022 | Investigation and Management. | |||
28-05-2022 | kaumara Britya-Paediatrics- Ayurvedic drug doses according to age,weight in children. | |||
29-05-2022 | Vyadhikshamatva: General concepts of Bala (Immunity) and methods of immune enhancing in children | |||
04-06-2022 | Behavioral Disorders of Children, their management and counseling: Breath holding spell, Shayyamutra (Bed wetting),,-Management | |||
05-06-2022 | Unmada, Autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit -managment | |||
11-06-2022 | Hyperactive Disorders), Jadatwa (Mental retardation). | |||
18-06-2022 | Ayurvedic approach of growth and devolopment issues and genetic disorders in children like cerebral palsy, | |||
19-06-2022 | Down’s syndrome etc.-Managment in Ayurveda | |||
25-06-2022 | Assigments | |||
26-06-2022 | Assignemments | |||
JULY-India trip 1 to 15 days | Clinical study -15 days -India | |||
Erosions |
Ayurvedic Higher Diploma Courses
9 days, 3 sessions- Introduction To Panchakarma, Panchakarma And Shodhana, Its Importance For Promotion Of Health, Prevention And Treatment Of Diseases
- Assessment of varied health and disease conditions for application of suitable procedures. Applied aspects of pancha karma where applicable with legality framework in UK and Europe for practice.
Panchakarma: bashti-matra, kashyabashti, Anuvasana Basthi
9 days, 3 sessions.Vamana, Virechana.
- Shiro Roga (diseases of head)
- Importance and Superiority of Shira.
- Detailed study of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja shirashoola(head aches), Ardhavabhedaka( Detailed study of Headachelike tension headache , Migraine its differential diagnosis and treatment)
- Detailed study of Rhinitis (Pratishyaya)& Sinusitis (dusta pratisysa)Epistaxis(nasagata raktha pitta) including their Etiology, pathology, clinical features differential diagnosis and medical management through Ayurveda.
- Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and management of – Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Tonsillitis & Adenoiditis
- Ayurvedic management of vertigo and menieres disease
- Danta Roga (Dental Diseases) including dental carries and tooth decay.
- Diseases related ear like Pootikarna (ASOM AND CSOM) AND Bhadirya (hearing loss)
- Netra Samanya and Vishishta Chikitsa (diseases related to eye and their management through Ayurveda like retinitis and corneal ulceration (savarana shukla),refractory errors of eye (TIMIRA)AND optic nerve atrophyetc.
- Netra Kriya Kalpa.(Ayurvedic eye procedures like aschothana (eye drops), anjana (collyrium) sekha ,bidalaka and tarpana )
- Vrana – Nirukti and Prakara( Ulcer definition , Types and their man- agement),Ayurvedic management of non healing ulcers.
- Ayurvedic management of anorectal disorders like haemorrhoids ,fistula in ano and fissure in ano.
- Ayurvedic management of stones in kidney and gall bladder (Asmari)
- PREPERATION OF KSHARA (ALKALINE) and its clinical utility in Ayurveda
3days, 1 session- Understanding the concept of Chikitsa Chatushpada (Four Pillars of Treatment)
- Decoding the qualities of a Vaidya (Physician) Understanding the qualities expected in a Rogi (Patient)
- Praanaabhisara Bhishak (Life Saving Physician)
- Identifying and Understanding the Types of Vaidyas (Physicians) and their qualities
- Ethical considerations in clinical practice
- Consent and its importance in practice as per Ayurveda and its co-relation with the present day ethical guidelines for practice
- Dasha vidha pareeksha (ten fold examination) that is mandatory for an Ayurveda physician and its role in patient rights
- Communication skills expected from a physician
- Legal aspects in Clinical practice – understanding Ayurveda and Contem- porary views
3 days, 1 session6 days, 3 sessions